Morocco’s Devastating Earthquake: Lessons Learned and Steps to Protect Against Future Quakes

Nabil Outsarhourt
3 min readSep 9, 2023


A rare and powerful earthquake struck Morocco on September 9, 2023, killing more than 1,300 people and destroying many historic buildings, especially in the city of Marrakech. This tragic event is a stark reminder of the need for better earthquake preparedness and mitigation measures. In this article, we will discuss the impact of the earthquake, lessons learned and measures to be taken to protect themselves from future seismic events in Morocco.

Earthquakes are devastating

The 6.8 magnitude earthquake that hit Morocco was the strongest to hit a North African country in 120 years. It left a trail of destruction, especially in the mountainous villages and the historic city of Marrakech. These buildings, many of which were not designed to withstand such force, collapsed, burying the villagers in the rubble. Remote areas, facing problems such as drought, loss of electricity and telephone service, make communications and aid efforts even more difficult.

What was learned

Building standards: The earthquake highlighted the importance of supporting and updating building standards. Many of the historic buildings of Marrakech were damaged or collapsed because they were not built to withstand seismic forces. In the future, it is important to analyze and improve weak materials to make them resistant to earthquakes.

Early warning system: Morocco does not have an adequate early warning system for earthquakes. Investing in such a system can provide seconds or minutes of critical notice, allowing people to take cover and leave if necessary. Emergency response: The earthquake exposed gaps in emergency response capacity, particularly in remote areas.

Training and supporting first responders, as well as developing effective communication methods, is essential to improve response to future disasters. Community Education: It is important to educate communities about earthquake preparedness and safety measures. This includes teaching people how to “sit, cover and hold” during an earthquake, and the importance of having an emergency kit and evacuation plan. Steps to protect against future earthquakes

Building codes: strengthen and enforce building codes to ensure that new structures are designed and built to withstand seismic forces. Renovate old buildings to bring them up to earthquake-resistant standards. Early warning system: Invest in the development and implementation of an earthquake early warning system, which can provide residents and authorities with early warning.

Emergency Preparedness: Develop and share earthquake preparedness guidelines for families, schools and businesses. Encourage the creation of an emergency kit and export plan.

Infrastructure maintenance: Assess the stability of critical infrastructure such as hospitals, schools, and power plants. Make repairs necessary to ensure that these equipment can continue to work after earthquakes.

Community Connection: Tracking local communities. Conduct exercises and simulations to familiarize residents with the intervention process.

International Partnerships: Collaborate with international organizations and neighboring countries on expertise in earthquake preparedness and response to exchange knowledge and resources. Conclusion

The devastating earthquake in Morocco is a stark reminder of the importance of fire protection systems to protect against future seismic events. By improving building standards, implementing early warning systems, improving emergency preparedness and community involvement, Morocco can reduce the impact of earthquakes and save lives. It is important that we learn from this tragedy to ensure a safe future for the country and its people.



Nabil Outsarhourt

"Words can be like X-rays if you use them properly -- they'll go through anything. You read and you're pierced."