Microsoft incorporates Python into Excel to improve data analysis and visualization capabilities

Nabil Outsarhourt
3 min readAug 23, 2023


by Microsoft

Microsoft has revealed an exciting advancement for data enthusiasts and professionals alike — the incorporation of the widely-used programming language Python into Excel. This integration, currently available in public preview, enables Excel users to effortlessly manipulate, analyze, and visualize data using Python libraries and tools, while still utilizing the familiar capabilities of Excel for further refinement. This collaboration between the worlds of spreadsheets and programming holds great potential for enhancing data analysis and visualization tasks.

The Fusion of Excel and Python

The merging of Python into Excel allows users to combine the capabilities of both platforms. Users can now utilize Python’s robust data analysis libraries such as pandas, statsmodels, and Matplotlib within the Excel environment, facilitating advanced data processing and manipulation. This integration is made possible through Excel’s built-in connectors and Power Query, eliminating the need for additional software installation or add-ons.

by Microsoft

Functionality and Features

Microsoft’s incorporation introduces a new PY function, which enables Python data to be seamlessly integrated within Excel spreadsheets. Python calculations are executed in the Microsoft Cloud, and the results are seamlessly integrated into Excel worksheets. This incorporation allows users to create formulas, PivotTables, and charts based on Python data, with the added ability to utilize charting libraries like Matplotlib and Seaborn for visualizations like heatmaps, violin plots, and swarm plots.

by Microsoft

Partnership with Anaconda

To further enhance the incorporation, Microsoft has partnered with Anaconda, a renowned enterprise Python repository. This collaboration ensures the availability of popular Python libraries within Excel, boosting the range of tools and capabilities available to users. The inclusion of libraries like pandas and Matplotlib empowers Excel users to perform intricate data analyses and generate informative visualizations right within their familiar spreadsheet environment.

by Microsoft

Community Reactions and Future Outlook

Guido van Rossum, the originator of Python and presently a Microsoft recognized architect, communicated his enthusiasm about this unification, underscoring the cooperative potential it offers to both the Python and Excel networks. The combination of these two stages empowers clients to open up new potential outcomes and grow their logical and perception abilities.

Availability and Licensing

The inclusion of Python in Excel is presently accessible as a public preview for Microsoft 365 Insiders in the Beta Channel. At first, this feature will have restrictions and will only be accessible to Windows users, but there are intentions to broaden its availability to other platforms in the future. Throughout the preview stage, Python in Excel will be incorporated in Microsoft 365 subscriptions. However, specific advanced features might necessitate a paid license once the preview period ends.

The incorporation of Python into Excel by Microsoft represents a notable advancement in enabling sophisticated data analysis and visualization directly within the Excel platform. By merging the capabilities of Python for manipulating data with Excel’s intuitive interface, users can discover fresh methods for efficiently processing, examining, and displaying data. As this integration progresses, it offers the potential to revolutionize how professionals tackle data-related assignments, providing a smooth connection between programming and spreadsheet features.



Nabil Outsarhourt

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